Ready to Register?

Great! Here's what you need to know: 

1. You will need an account to register.

  • If you have one, click on the Unit links below to get started. 
  • If you do not have an account, create one now, and return to this page. Alternatively, you may become a member, which will automatically create your account and give you member pricing. 

2. To begin registration, you will log into your child's unit registration page. From there you will be able to access all traditional and specialty camps available to them. You will be able to select both traditional camp and specialty camps at the same time. You will also be able to choose add-ons like AM and PM care, lunch, and transportation. 

Questions? Contact the Hopkinton Summer Camp Registrar, Cori Merchant, at or (508) 435-9345 ext, 110